PARQ a Dental Acronym

PARQ is an acronym that is used in dentistry and medicine to describe the process of informed consent for our patients.  It is what we do to help you come up with the best dental treatment for your specific situation. PARQ is actually required by law in several states. P = Problems, Procedures and treatment Plan. It is the dental procedures we plan to complete to solve the dental health problems we located in and/or around your mouth. We base this plan on your goals and desires along with your time constraints and financial decisions. This plan most likely is the ideal plan to restore you back to complete dental health. In most instances, there are alternative plans to our initial treatment plan. Alternative plans or procedures will usually not last as long or completely resolve the problem, but we want all of our patients to have choices based on their specific wants, needs, time constraints and finances.  R = Risks. All treatment has risks. This is why we go over the risks of the treatment plan you choose as well as the risks involved with electing not to have any treatment at all. Q = Questions. We want you to have an opportunity to ask any questions regarding any problems we have located the recommended procedures and any alternatives we have proposed. This allows us to provide you with answers so that you can make educated choices and offer informed consent to treatment. Following PARQ allows us to show you a much higher level dental care and inter allows you to make an informed decision about your dental care. If you are looking for a new dentist that will make sure to offer you the highest standard of care call Turner Dental Today at (509) 922-4500 or visit us at our website Dr John L Turner DMD.

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